Monday, June 13, 2011

It arrived on Tuesday

It arrived on Tuesday, in a big shiny green box.
The box was big and green and had many locks.
“What’s in the green box with all those locks?”
I went back inside to put on some socks.
“Could it be a squid? Or a new kitchen shelf?”
“or maybe a bearded katroo or a magical elf?”
I looked the box up and I looked the box down.
“How can I open the box?” I asked with a frown.
The locks were big iron things oh mercy me.
How would I open the box without a key?
I tried to pick the box up off the front stoop.
I fell backwards on my keester, thrown for a loop.
For what did I hear in side the box with locks?
A snuffling and snortling, giving me the shock of shocks.
“Its alive whatever it is.” I said to my wife inside the house.
“But whatever it is, its too big for a mouse.”
“Is it the snorgle you ordered? Or the polka dotted Cylox?”
“No, neither of those would need to be locked in a box!”
“Is there a return address on the green box with locks?”
“I just found it. Here it is, Its from down by the docks.”
“Well then its probably a benthic squid or your sharp tangaloo”
“Nah, I’m full up on squids but it might be my Katroo!!!”
“Don’t be silly” she said. “Katroos don’t come from the docks!”
“This one might, because Katroos boxes need locks!”
You see Katroos are clever prehensile and strong.
And sometimes they can be vicious so don’t order wrong!!!
I needed a crowbar for that big green locked box, or even better, a key.
Where was my tool chest? I went to go look and see.
“Did you look in the envelope on top of the locked box?”
“I hadn’t even considered it.” I said a loss.
“Silly man.” My wife said. “Locks always come with keys.”
“Go back out to that green locked box right now please.”
Sure enough under the plaid ribbon in the envelope was a key
“Look here it is!” I said with glee.
“Well open that green locked box so we can get it off the porch!”
“Right away, but just incase it’s a flargon, could you bring me my torch?”
“Its not a flargon, silly man. “they’re afraid of the dark.”
You don’t put them in a box, you find them in a park.
The lid came off the box, as easy as you please and what did I spy?
Nothing but a breeze.
The lid popped off and I could hear a snuffle, but knew what to do.
Because right then and there I knew it was my bearded Katroo!
“Bring me the flour!” I cried, “So we can watch where it goes!”
It made a bee line into the house and then to the back yard.
We could see its foot prints in the grass it wasn’t that hard.
Even though the katroo was invisible we could follow it with ease.
Its tracks in the grass corresponded with the breeze.
“It is my Katroo! It will finally eat those pesky brown largus!!!”
“We’ll have great roses this year then. For the contest in August.”

So if your roses are plagued by brown largus, green floopis or purple pru
You should definitely order yourself a clever, invisible, bearded katroo.


Chrissie said...

I want one! Love this Josh. I think the girls would too. Who knew you had an inner Seuss?

Jen said...

This was hilarious and so clever!! You've got a wonderful imagination.