Victoria sighed and looked across the field. Who knew if you failed Phys Ed they would make you take it in summer school? Nevertheless, it was still summer. If she had to be here she could, at least, make the most of it. Victoria rolled her sleeves higher on her shoulders and tipped her head back into the sunlight working on her tan. Her ear buds piped a steady stream of music into her ears and she mindlessly nodded her head in time. Between the sunlight and the music, she didn't see Mr. Johnson come out onto the field. In fact, she didn't notice him at all until his shadow fell over her reclined form.
"Ah, Miss. Benson. Imagine finding you here," he said, swinging his whistle over his head. Mr. Johnson was famous for his whistle. He wore it everywhere. PE class, track meets, even school dances. Last year the seniors had stolen it as a prank. Mr. Johnson keep the entire class on trash duty for 18 days until it was silently returned to his desk. He never said a word about the incident, but most kids had a healthy fear of that little pierce of metal.
Victoria raised her sunglasses and squinted up at her teacher. They had raged a silent battle all year long. Mr. Johnson required PE dress; Victoria refused. Clearly, her presence at the track in mid-June, wearing the hideous PE shorts, signaled her defeat but Victoria had decided not to go down without a fight. Her shorts were cut off and frayed, covered in Sharpie hearts and names. With her shirt tied high, she looked more prepared to hit the poolside than the track.
"Hello Mr. Johnson," Victoria said with a sweet smile. "I'm so excited to be here."
Mr. Johnson grunted and turned back to the equipment room.
"Ryan, can you bring out those hurdles now?" he called behind him. He turned back to Victoria but her eye was caught the young man who stepped out into the sunshine. He had several metal hurdles hanging off his shoulder and was carrying a duffle bag in each hand. Victoria sat up as he approached and slipped her glasses down on her nose so she could scrutinize him unobtrusively. He had to be in college. She thought he was pretty cute until he stopped before her, dropped the duffle bags and smiled down at her. The boy was gorgeous and Victoria was smitten.
"Miss. Benton, allow me to introduce you to my son, Ryan. He'll be helping me out this summer. Ryan, this fashion plate is my star student, Miss Victoria Benton, who is going to go change into regulation dress for this class right now," he finished, pointing back toward the changing rooms.
"Pleasure to meet ya," Ryan said, extending a hand and pulling Victoria to her feet. "My dad has told me all about you," he added with a sly grin.
Victoria felt a blush rise in her cheeks and she ducked her head, letting her hair fall along her face. A small smile tickled her lips
"Perhaps this summer wasn't going to be so bad after all," she thought to herself as she made her way back to change.
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