Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Write About Unsubstantiated Rumors

They said there were ghosts.  Depending on who you spoke to the details varied but the at the heart the story was the same.  The house on the corner of Pine and Oregon was haunted.  Like most rumors, the details were fuzzy.  A friend of a friend had once spent the night and emerged with a head of white hair unable to speak.  Someone's cousin swore that lights flickered at midnight on a full moon from the upstairs window even though there was no one living in the house.  Great uncles spun yarns before gullible eyes of phantom mists and unnatural accidents.  Although the stories were plenty, they were all second hand.  No one could say they had personally experienced anything out of the ordinary until the summer of my fourteenth birthday when Phyllis disappeared.  No one believes me but I swear to you on a stack of Bibles that the house took her.  I swear its true.  Because I saw it.

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